यह संकृति और सभ्यता की बातें हैं , कानून की नहीं
राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा और Z +. सुरक्षा वाली दिल्ली ....फिर भी महिलाएं इतनी असुरक्षित क्यों है ...हम किस भारतीय संस्कृति की रक्षा कर रहे हैं.... जय माता दी के नारों से गूंजने वाली गलियों और सडकों पर महिलायों को असुरक्षा की भावना क्यों है.....हर मोड़ पर खड़ी PCR सशत्र वाहने किसके लिए है...यह कानून वयवस्था का प्रश्न है या गिरती मानसिकता और संस्कृति के ढोंगे पन का.
Report of survey on "How safe are Women in Delhi" by collaboration of the Department of Women and Child Development, Delhi Government, JAGORI, UNIFEM and UN HABITAT .July 8, 2010
An overwhelmingly high percentage of respondents in all categories believe that sexual harassment of woman is the single most important factor that renders Delhi an unsafe city.
In fact,a high of 85.4 percent women, 87 percent men and 93 percent among common witnesses said that sexual harassment is rampant in public places.
Verbal harassment of women is the most common form of sexual harassment, as reported by more than 80 percent respondents. This is followed by visual harassment, as reported by 70 percent women.
The area wise distribution of harassment shows that women face maximum harassment in market places (84.9 percent), followed by 83 percent at Metro stations, 82.4 percent, in areas around schools and colleges and 79 percent in industrial areas.
At around 80 percent visual harassment is highest on roadside followed by 73 percent around educational institution and 71.3 percent around bus stops.
Around 54 percent women reported feeling unsafe and vulnerable in crowded public transport and bus stops.
Roadsides and public transport are the most vulnerable places where women face the highest risk of sexual harassment.
The roadside and inside public transport has emerged as the spaces where women are most vulnerable to facing some form of sexual harassment. Around 70 % women reported being harassed by the roadside while around 60 % men and 71 % common witnesses reported that they have seen women being harassed.
Around 51.4 % women reported that they faced harassment using public transport while 49 % men and 41 % common witnesses reported that they have witnessed women being harassed.
Large number of women also reported to be insecure in market places and while waiting for public transport etc.
पुलिस पर इतना अविश्वास क्यों है ?
Distrust of the police force runs high among the citizens and most women did not think that they could approach the police in time of need. Only 0.8 % women reported incidents of sexual harassment to the police.
Together we can make a difference .जय माता दी से गूंजने वाले शहर दिल्ली मैं नारी क्यों सुरक्षित नहीं ??

Among 35 mega cities, Delhi city reported 23.8% (404 out of 1,696) of total Rape cases, 38.9% cases (1,379 out of 3,544) of Kidnapping & Abduction of Women, 15.2% cases (104 out of 684) of Dowry Deaths and 14.1% cases (491 out of 3,477) of Molestation.
अखबार और टीवी चैनल चीख चीख कर हर दिन हर वक़्त दिल्ली में हो रहे महिलायों पर अपराध की खबरें प्रसारित कर रहे हैं....माता के दरबार में माथा टेकने वाले ...जय माता दी कहने वाले ...गुरुबानी और सतश्री अकाल से गूंजने वाले दिल्ली शहर में ऐसा होते रहना संस्कृति की दुहाई देने वाले पुरुष समाज पर एक तमाचा नहीं तो क्या है !!..
यह हर एक नागरिक की जिम्मेदारी है सरकार की नहीं....
यह संकृति और सभ्यता की बातें हैं , कानून की नहीं !
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